A Mom's letters of love to her baby daughter.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baby Walks!

My Dear Princess,
On June 16 you took 6 steps in a row. I think that counts as walking! I couldn't believe my eyes. You were in your room, playing with your toys. You took a step towards your activity table, as I had seen you do many times before. But instead of falling on your butt, you managed to take another step, and another step! I counted six steps (step step, small pause, step step, small pause, step, step) before you got to your toy. I am so proud of you!
You are now up to 10 steps and walking really well (for a toddler!).
You are also saying things when the mood strikes you. This morning I was looking for your shoes and kept saying, "Where are your shoes? Where are your shoes?" You responded with, "shoooe?" So cute.
A couple weeks ago, I was changing your diaper and I brought out the big bottle of diaper rash cream (which fortunately we don't have to do too often). You looked at that bottle and said, "Good grief, what's that?" At the time I was so surprised to hear you say that, but then I remembered that Miss Erin at daycare says "good grief" all the time so it's pretty natural that at some point you would say it!
Last weekend you were playing with your Fisher Price phone and you held the phone to your ear and said, "Who's there?"
You don't talk all the time, just when the mood strikes you, but when you do speak it's lots of fun!
Cheers to my walking, talking toddler. (But I still get to consider you a baby until you are 24 months!) :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One Year New!

My Dearest Princess,

Happy 1st Birthday! I can't believe you are one year new. To celebrate, you had not one, but FOUR birthday parties. Whew! Too much birthday for your poor, worn-out Mom, LOL!

Your first birthday party was in Chicago with Sittee, Grandpa, Uncle M, and Aunt B. We made Sprinkles cupcakes for you, complete with pink cream cheese frosting. You enjoyed eating the cake and pulling at the packages. During that trip, you also got to attend your Uncle M's graduation and tour his college. You also got to meet one of your other Great-Grandma's. How special to be the little princess!

Your second birthday party was celebrated at our home on Memorial Day. We had your dad's father's family over for a bbq, cake, and presents. I went with a "pink" theme, not too heavy on the "princess" or any particular character. You fell asleep in Grandpa's arms. Your Grandpa loves that picture and has it posted as his facebook profile pic now.

Your third party occured on your birthday date. Sittee and Uncle M came to town to visit you just for your birthday. We had dinner at Frisch's and then Sittee bought a kid's cake for you at Kroger. She placed a giant "one" candle on the cake and we sang happy birthday to you. You then proceeded to smear cake all over the table! (I guess you weren't very hungry!). I had to change both of our clothes because we were both wet and covered in frosting! Daddy mopped the floor. :-)

Your final party was the Sunday after your birthday at Ma'am and Pap's house. Your paternal grandma and her family also attended. You were too full on cookies to eat any cake! But you loved the Elmo cell phone that Grandma gave you. When Daddy tried to take the phone away from you (just to see it), you lunged for the phone and yelped, "I need it! I need it!" Everyone heard you and knew exactly what you said!

Your communication skills are amazing. A couple of weeks before Memorial Day, I tried to feed you peas. You kept turning your head to the side, obviously not wanting the peas, but I kept insisting. Finally, you looked me straight in the face and said, "I hate it." I didn't try to feed you any more peas after that!

You point to pictures of yourself and say, "I did it." You also can say, "I want it." While climbing stairs, you've reportedly said, "Up" (though I didn't hear that myself). You will also ask, "What is it?" and "Who is it?" While listening to bagpipe music in the car last night, you asked us, "What is it?" and then said, "It's nice." Your dad and I are amazed every day at your speaking skills. Your speech is somewhat muffled, but the fact that you can say as much as you do is very cool.

I love you!