A Mom's letters of love to her baby daughter.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Busy Baby

My Dear Princess,
Now that you are walking, you are certainly a busy baby! You want to constantly be on the move. Your favorite activities are to open and close any door, especially the gate to your room. You also love to take things down from shelves and re-arrange items. Today you opened up the door under the bathroom sink, grabbed my makeup, and threw it in the washing machine. Then moved some of the makeup from the washing machine back to the container under the sink. Needless to say, I watch you like a hawk to make sure you don't get hurt, but it is definitely time to get more baby gates up and latches on!
You also laugh a lot, which is absolutely wonderful. You especially laugh whenever you can get a reaction out of me. Today you hit me with a bottle on my eyeglasses. Instinctively, I yelped, "Oww!" and you laughed and did it again! I then distracted you so you wouldn't do it to me a third time, but later in the day I was holding you again and you got ahold of that bottle. You got the cutest mischievous smile on your face and bonked me lightly on the head. And of course, you laughed. :-)
I love you with all my heart,