A Mom's letters of love to her baby daughter.

Friday, October 23, 2009

As Your Great-Grandma Would Say...

My Dear Little Princess,
When I was younger, I didn't live close to my grandma, so when our family went to visit her she would exclaim in joy, "Your face is my heart!" It was her way of saying how much she loved to us, and how much she loved to see us in person. (You won't remember this, baby, but before Skype video calling existed, it was a lot more difficult to instantly see someone!)
Every day that I am with you, I understand more and more what my grandma meant when she said, "Your face is my heart!" Seeing your picture on my desk at work brings instant pleasure to my day. Coming home to your toothless grin almost overwhelms me with happiness.
And much to my delight, you seem to enjoy my face too! When I hold you up to eye level, you smile and reach for my visage with both hands, usually going for my lips or eyeglasses. While daddy was holding you yesterday, you rubbed your small hands over the stubble on his chin, as if you were curious about that new feature.
I love your sweet face!

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